About Company

0 km
Distance Monitored for Efficiency
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Fleet Optimized
0 Tons
Co2 Emissions Reduced
0 trees
Carbon Impact

VectorGlobe stands at the intersection of technology and sustainability. With our deep-rooted expertise in Industrial IoT, we equip businesses to advance their environmental objectives. Our commitment to sustainable performance has positioned us as pioneers in climate tech, delivering solutions that significantly reduce industrial carbon emissions.

In a world where over one-third of global carbon emissions stem from machinery-dependent industries, our goal is to transform this challenge into meaningful environmental progress.


Revolutionizing Machinery Emissions Reporting for Enhanced Profitability

Empower your enterprise with our integrated platform designed for digitizing machinery reporting. Enhance performance, streamline maintenance schedules, and propel emission reduction efforts. Our state-of-the-art technology offers real-time monitoring, diagnostic insights, and optimizes backend operations, ensuring maximum utilization and efficiency of your machinery and vehicles.

Logistics & Transportation


 Logistics & Transportation

“In the logistics sector, inefficiencies in fleet management and routing lead to excessive fuel consumption and elevated CO2 emissions. Studies show that poorly optimized logistics can increase fuel usage by up to 20%, significantly impacting both profitability and environmental footprint. Our solution empowers logistics companies to optimize routes, reduce idle times, and cut emissions, paving the way for more sustainable and cost-effective operations.”

Industrial Machinery


Industrial Machinery

“The heavy machinery sector faces the challenge of high fuel consumption and maintenance costs, often leading to increased downtime and environmental harm. On average, improper maintenance and inefficient usage can spike operational costs by 25-30%, while significantly escalating carbon emissions. Our platform offers precise monitoring and maintenance scheduling, optimizing performance and minimizing ecological impact.”

ESG & Sustainability


ESG & Sustainability

Our solutions align your business operations with critical Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) standards. We provide tools that reduce carbon emissions and enhance overall ESG performance, helping industries transition from compliance to leadership in sustainability. Embrace our solutions to fortify your ESG standing and drive a sustainable future.”

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