

New Decision Tool Empowers Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities in Voluntary Carbon Market Participation


In collaboration with UNDP, Climate Focus has launched a new decision-making tool designed to help Indigenous Peoples and local communities (IPs and LCs) navigate the Voluntary Carbon Market (VCM) complexities. This tool provides essential guidance on legal rights, benefits, risks, and partner selection, helping communities make informed decisions about engaging in carbon projects that impact their lands and livelihoods.

Key Highlights:

  1. New VCM Decision Tool: Developed by Climate Focus and UNDP, this tool offers clear guidance for IPs and LCs on navigating the Voluntary Carbon Market.
  2. Empowering Communities: The tool addresses legal rights, benefits, risks, and selecting trustworthy partners in the VCM.
  3. Focus on Informed Consent: Emphasizes the importance of Free, Prior, and Informed Consent (FPIC) practices for continuous and meaningful engagement.
  4. Case Studies Included: The tool features case studies showcasing both the positive and negative impacts of carbon projects on communities.
  5. Addressing Complexity: Simplifies the VCM’s technical complexity to make it more accessible to non-experts.
  6. Equitable Participation: Aims to create an equitable VCM where IPs and LCs can actively participate as equal partners in carbon project development and implementation.

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